aviation: Isabella learns to fly – Discussion at AERO 2024


At AERO 2024, moderator Herwart Goldbach invited the online editor-in-chief of Fliegermagazin, Isabella Sauer, to talk about her experiences with PPL training. With her project « Isabella learns to fly », she has been telling Fliegermagazin for a year how she acquired the PPL. Also on stage: the flight instructors and training experts Antoaneta Sontheimer and Bernd Heuberger. The exciting discussion is about how PPL students can optimize their training, how women fare in private aviation and many other aspects of training and flying.

The “Isabella learns to fly” project is supported by Bose, Continental Aerospace Technologies, the German Weather Service (DWD), Eisenschmidt and the Hamburg Flight School. All articles and videos about the project can be found here.

Many questions about PPL training

The association of German female pilots mentioned in the podcast can be found at

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