aviation: Eurowings has added Salzburg-Amsterdam – Aviation.Direct


On December 1, 2023, Eurowings carried out its first flight on the Salzburg-Amsterdam route. The route is not a gem served on Friday.

On the first flight, on December 1, 2023, Barbara Horner, Station Manager Salzburg Airport, Nikolas Karres, Head of Ground Services at Salzburg Airport and Robert Strigl, Aera Manager International Eurowings welcomed crew and passengers at Salzburg Airport. Since today there is a Eurowings flight every Friday (departure to Amsterdam 10:10 a.m.) and Sunday (departure to Amsterdam 5:50 p.m.) to one of the most open-minded cities in Europe – Amsterdam. Many chilled bars, great festivals, 200 cafés in the city center, 150 canals and 1,281 bridges characterize this vibrant city with a colorful nightlife. Around 830,000 people live in Amsterdam, the city of the painter Rembrandt, the Nobel Prize winner Frits Zernike and the brewer Alfred Heiniken.

The following slideshow shows some shots from the first flight:

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